Thursday, March 10, 2005

A Story For Most

This morning at 6:17 AM, I saw a pair of underwear on the floor that I didn't remember recently wearing. So, since I don't always put my clean clothes on the floor I picked them up to check the status. I was fumbling around with them when I felt a stabbing sensation on my pointer finger. Weird! I dropped them immediately. What if I had just been bitten by an angry spider?! Of course I don't know what that would feel like because I have never experienced it while awake. So, I slowly pick up the underwear again carefully as if they were filthy. I found nothing. Not even something less scary then a spider. After all of this, Yes, I threw them back on the floor.

I just attended my last class of the winter quarter. Just two more to go before I venture into the real world!

Today, in the last half hour of my creative writing, I read my favorite peice of the quarter. This young woman wrote with such confidence, yet revealed all of her insecurities. I wish I could write like her. It was so honest, and she made you feel like every stupid little thing she had to say was more important then everything you think about in a day. What's funny about this, is that it's the coolest looking girl in the class. Sure that's shallow and stupid. You know those people though, who you just want to look like. She's one of mine. She dresses how I wish I could. Up until now though, she was always cold to me. Then today, after class, we saw each other in the Front Room, and she said hello. Nice. Score.

PS- Dropping the Debt is now on the list for letter writing.


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