Thursday, May 12, 2005

I Forgot To Tell You This

My house is scary. Most of you know that. I swear it wasn't scary during the visits to 159 during my sophomore and junior year... right? I mean you were there... do you remember it being scary? Well a lot of things happen. Sometimes fireplaces jump from their traditional location and are found in the middle of the living room floor. Sometimes scary sounds walk around upstairs and downstairs and in the basement and in the attic. Sometimes scary sounds walk all the way up the steps... and never reveal their identity. Most recently though... scary manifested it self into bats. Just a couple so far... but we are ready for more.

This is really selfish... but I am glad that they keep ending up in Amy's room. She seems to be the least affected by all of this scary stuff... so heck why not her with the bats right?

We also have scary bugs. They aren't black and harmless with a little red... no that was 20 monty style... these oh boy these. Some of them are centipedes which in theory aren't scary until you watch them move...ewww. Also there is this new bug that Jackie stumbled upon the other day and yelped for me... creepo (as Jess would say). They are black and mostly like a spider but definitely worse than a spider. There legs make them huge... and tall... odd enough they are really really tall.

How many of you want to stay at my house for the letter writing party? ... hahaha!

Thanks to Mae's bone-chilling story, I remembered my scary home.... you should read her's its funny.


At 11:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

bugs are totally creepo.
your bugs sound creepo to the max. they have big legs that make them tall. i will probably have nightmares about this tonight.


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