I had my inteview yesterday...
and it went really well.
ok I realize that I was not clear about job options... so here goes.
No matter what I am going to work at Inspiration Corporation and I will be supervising meals regularly and developing relationships with the guests that are a part of the program.
As of now I am with CUI. It is 7-4 or 8-5 depending on the week. It has the potential of really messing with the Inspiration position because it is never consistent.
The coffee shop... is what I want to do with my life. While all of you (mostly) went to college so that you may learn a skill that you would then apply to a real life job, I went to 1. be a part of the social norm 2. and to become a better smarter person. Most of you know that eventually I would like to own a coffee shop (and one a lot like this one), so it wouldn't be a transitional position for me, it would be true application to my future.
I know it sounds silly to say that I made a commitment... but I am still not even out of my probationary period... you know? They also ordered a uniform (just my size) and we are supposed to go to our new building on Monday (this a new building for the company). This building didn't want us in there without uniform which is why we haven't gotten to join them yet... so if I left... they maybe wouldn't be able to get into that building and it would be another postponement.
My interview was awesome and I have a second on Sunday... I also start at inspiration on saturday...
my coffee tastes like Spain this morning.
coffee tasting of Spain. that makes me smile a lot.
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