OUt with IT!
Ok... so I wasn't going to talk about speaking in tongues here... but a Miss Katie Meyer shared her view... and now I can't resist... Yes that means it's your fault Katie. ^_^ (I learned that smile from Tai Hsing)
Ok. So who has had a good experience with speaking in tongues? Who thinks that it doesn't happen?
I'm sorry for that.
I think it's definitely possible that not only can demons/the devil turn this spiritual gift into a bad situation, but I also believe that they can influence believers into mocking the act. So I am not surprised that their would be false-tongues just like false-prophets.
There is a "how it was intended" coming up here. This is one of the big things God gave us to use! He says (Bible) we are to yearn for spiritual gifts... that we are to not disrupt worship (that means orderly worship) ... we are to praise God and tongues can be interpreted. So lets say I start speaking tongues and someone starts interpreting it... It is then definitely edifying to the church and not only to me. How will the interpreter ever hear me if I never start speaking though? If I see that their is no interpreter, I should lower my voice or just internalize it... I think you would all agree.
Here's the problem I am having... it seems like all of these believers are having poor experiences with it and letting that paint their view... or maybe not that extreme... but letting that dictate their only experience with it. I mean you have the Bible right? So, I guess that's your first experience with it. I hope that you really let those words be the truth and not the non-God inspired kind you have had...
As far as Katie's experience with it... that's different. I think that it's sad that you couldn't concentrate on your own worship and it was such a distraction. I agree with your decision to go some where else... but I have one question. Were they being biblical about it? You know Corinthians style? If they weren't... (not to be a jerk) but why didn't you say something?
Ok. So did I offend you? Maybe really talking this out will lead to better communication and not just horrible thoughts or I don't know... instigation so on.
Quick quick story about teaching yesterday. We did this exercise where the students answered the questions on this piece of paper... so Yufeng's question was "Have you ever hitchhiked?" Great what a hard word... yeah he thought so too... we didn't know how better to explain it than how we were. So he finally gets it and we tell him that he can take a different question if he would like... but he really didn't want to. Then he tells us how 10 years ago he hitchhiked in China. He was in one province and wanted to go to another province. So he hitchhiked with a semi truck driver... who was carrying many goods. This was much funnier when he was telling us.
I want to share this with you
So I started teaching last night. The other three people in my group did too. We are team teaching until next week. Anyway, after class I sent the three students this:
Dear Eiji, Tai-Hsing, and Yufeng
We enjoyed having class with you today! We hope to see all of you tomorrow. Remember, if you have any friends that would like to come, we would love to have them. Tomorrow we will be talking about travel!
Have a good night!
Talya, Jen, Allyson, and Don
this was the response from Tai Hsing
Dear Jen, Talya, Don, and Allyson
I am so glad to get your email about our class, it make me so warm. ^_^
And I will go there with my best friend Chao Yang, he is a assistant professior in HSIS, OU. Have a nice day!
Tai Hsing
I love that.
I was thinking about describing my long day...
but that is boring.
I was also thinking about talking about talking about spritual gifts, but would that just break out in argument? I would like to own that shirt on the fluvog site that says peacemaker, so does that mean I can no longer instigate? Is talking about something instigating? I was more specifically talk about speaking in tongues. It's one of those conversations I have had a million times, but oddly enough, nobody agrees about it.
I also need to order a new book for the book club tomorrow, and have no clue what we are going to read. Well shit.
I am also thinking about people's idea of reality. Can we all be that person that does more than the other person? Are we the ones that are constantly carrying the burdens, always getting the short end of the stick, always making sure that everyone's life (except for ours) is a little better? I don't think so. In all actuality, you aren't doing more than anyone else. Even if you are, that's dumb to talk about. We are givers. We are sacrificers. We are gifters. Not everyone can be right. Does this make sense? I am trying not to be specific. Or maybe I should just confess.
I don't clean the whole house all the time. In fact, everyone does some of the cleaning. We all do it at different times, we all contribute differently.
Maybe when I was dating other boys, I wasn't always paying. Maybe that's just me expecting more in return than I actually give. Maybe you pay for your friends a lot, but maybe they cater to your needs a lot. Maybe they don't give financially to you, but maybe they listen to your problems. Maybe it doesn't have to be even. Maybe I will carry you for 3 miles and then you carry me for ten.
Does anyone understand? Maybe friendship is being less selfish and more self sacrificing. Maybe if we gave of ourselves and then forgot about it we would be better people.
I am sorry. These are just thoughts.
Oh yeah... and welcome to Blogspot Cat... I am hoping the monsterbeard will follow soon.
What Kind of Car am I?
Do you know what I mean? Like Chris, Lyndsey, Colleen, and Lydia- all have cars that fit their personalities to a tee. Do you guys know that? I mean inside and out! Do cars grow up with you? My car used to fit me, it reminded me of Lydia's. It got me where I was going, it didn't look bad on the outside but sounded pretty sick... and then the inside was a trash heap. It smelled a little too, but I was too used to the smell to notice. What's funny is that I can never imagine having that car "fit me" in the future.
Colleen's - loud and outdoorsy... not loud in the bad way
Chris' - looks like a transformer and has the name of a transformer
Lyndsey's - looks normal and even cute on the outside but a great big surprise on the inside (i don't know if anyone will understand this).
Lydia's - check previous description of mine... little and cute but a little chaotic
This is dumb to blog about... I know. But I really don't have any brain power, it being Spring Break.
I am going to go see Stephapee tonight. She hates when I call her that but I assume she will some day grow to like it.
It may be a long time before I ever have a car again, maybe I should be shopping for bikes that fit me.
Lyndsey Johnson, you are the only person I regularly think about and never have the opportunity to see, can we make a date please.
Reminding you to please remember to:
Out of your radio a little John Reu...
I have left Athens. I can't really say that I have gone home, because I have yet to make it back to the hometown which actually isn't my home anymore.
If you haven't heard, I am staying in Athens next year. I think I already updated about that. I will be attending school only in the winter, not fall or Spring... then I will be an OU grad.
I was talking about back-packing through Europe the other day with BS girls and Chris... what do you think about that? Horribly cliche? A huge spending of money that could be going to help people who daily don't have their needs met? Can we talk about this? Is it ok for me to back-pack through Europe? This would be delaying going to the Peace Corps... who knows if I would even make it in though... I want to see the world... does God?
What do you do when you see one of the hundreds of anorexic girls on campus. I sold a doughnut to one of them yesterday and I just wanted to hug her, plead with her to not throw it up, and tell her what beauty actually is. Do you think it's wrong for me to assume that she is anorexic? Even people who can't put weight on because of genetics or a disease don't have sunken in faces, right?
How do you make people feel beautiful? You can't right? I mean knowing how God looks as you is the only way to feel beautiful isn't it? Am I lying? Do even the most (worldly) beautiful people know that they are? I think I am talking about beautiful in two different ways right now... which could be confusing you. I am sorry.
Chris and I were talking about Mae the other day, and the awful comments that have been on her blog. We were trying to figure out if it was some annonymous person stumbling on her site trying to be an ass or someone playing the most awful trick ever. I don't think Mae has collected that cruel of friends, just the kind that will leave dead cat heads on platters in the kitchen and lamprays in the toilet... Anyway, Mae, I think those comments were lame and evil. Even when you and I clash, you are one of the most beautiful people I know. You love Jesus and people, I don't really know anything more beautiful than that.
I sound like a Christina Aguilera song.
I saw 3 minutes of a movie called Fancy Pants today. Lucille Ball... you are funny.
In Process
You do know that it will never end right? When you say "It will soon be over" or "When I am done with this I will do this" or "When I can afford this then I will do this" or "If I can just make it through this I will be fine," yeah those are all lies. Such is life.
I guess I have a hard time with this concept. Not usually outwardly, but in my head I am always saying these kinds of things and believing them.
It just can't be your birthday everyday.
So. Of course I am in process. I have talked a lot about finals time. Yeah, typically I don't get stressed out or rather I act like I am not stressed out... but even if I was going to... what would be the point. Finals time is just another great period of deadlines... that's every day guys.
What else? Oh yes. I have sent in my detailed outline of sweatshops to crusade again. Pray about it (if you are into the Jesus thing). I am going to send it to a couple of other people too... just to spread the idea or possibility or something. I hope that this will be a never ending process ( the action and education not simply this time).
I am in constant struggle with my character. Good right? Always growing and all that jazz... But does it ever seem like you aren't cut out for it? Do you ever feel like your salvation is not known? Like you could never stop those stinkin demons from distracting you throughout the day? I know that I am not getting into heaven because of works and that I will never have to endure more than I can handle... but what if I am a fraud? Meredith once told me that the way that you can tell if a believer is a believer is if they are producing fruit. Well ok... so am I producing fruit? Does the fruit have to be good? Can the fruit be cancelled out? What if everything I do is for image?
I am listening to Alanis Morissette right now. She is probably too mainstream for many of your tastes, but I really dig her. It's amazing to listen to her first album and then her latest and see the growth. She went from angry girl to a wise woman.
I just googled the boyfriend. I read 29 pages before skipping to the last page #82. He never once appeared. There was a guy named Christopher Topham though. Just imagine if they called him Toph for short. Toph Topham... hehehe.
Language Evolution
Sounds interesting, right? Yeah, I thought so too... but it's a trick. Historical Linguistics ranks up there with my worst college classes ever list. If I get a C in it... I have to take it again. #1 there's no time for that! #2 It is so boring that I leave the class to go the bathroom or wonder around in the halls (high school style) and I don't think I could go through it again. #3 There is no way that I will ever begin to understand the concepts that Dr. Bond continues to ramble on about. As a Linguistics professor, you think she would be articulate. You would be wrong.
Anyway, today is dedicated to writing my paper reviewing the book known as Language Evolution. It's stupid. It's written by a bunch of different kinds of experts that think they are too cool for Linguistics. I get mad at them just by reading their stupid excuses for not knowing anything about language. My assignment is to just read three chapters and compare/contrast them. Doesn't sound hard does it? It is. Can't you see that I escaped to the blog world?
My solution= I don't think I am going to accurately complete the assignment. I have decided that it would be much easier to read the summaries about what each author says and then write it down. Oh yeah and talk about how they all don't know what they were saying and talk about how this paper was a humongo waste of my Saturday when I could be working on other stupid final things.
The good news is... I leave for home next Wednesday... which is coincidently enough, a 1 year anniversary with the infamous "monsterbeard."
A Story For Most
This morning at 6:17 AM, I saw a pair of underwear on the floor that I didn't remember recently wearing. So, since I don't always put my clean clothes on the floor I picked them up to check the status. I was fumbling around with them when I felt a stabbing sensation on my pointer finger. Weird! I dropped them immediately. What if I had just been bitten by an angry spider?! Of course I don't know what that would feel like because I have never experienced it while awake. So, I slowly pick up the underwear again carefully as if they were filthy. I found nothing. Not even something less scary then a spider. After all of this, Yes, I threw them back on the floor.
I just attended my last class of the winter quarter. Just two more to go before I venture into the real world!
Today, in the last half hour of my creative writing, I read my favorite peice of the quarter. This young woman wrote with such confidence, yet revealed all of her insecurities. I wish I could write like her. It was so honest, and she made you feel like every stupid little thing she had to say was more important then everything you think about in a day. What's funny about this, is that it's the coolest looking girl in the class. Sure that's shallow and stupid. You know those people though, who you just want to look like. She's one of mine. She dresses how I wish I could. Up until now though, she was always cold to me. Then today, after class, we saw each other in the Front Room, and she said hello. Nice. Score.
PS- Dropping the Debt is now on the list for letter writing.
It's the End!
So, it's almost here. It is now the tenth week, and I still can't comprehend how it is that I will finish all that I need to. I will be receiving two incompletes this quarter, which surprsingly enough won't make this any easier. So... if I am so busy... why am I updating my stupid blog that really doesn't matter as much as getting everything done... well folks I am a break taker. I don't like to get stressed out, so I am using you as a break. The problem is that I don't have anything good or relevant to say. I do miss all of you though... unless I see you everyday. I will be coming home for break, which means that I may see some of you.
Lyndsey, I want to see you on the way home. I am going to try to have someone bring me through Columbus. How do you feel about that?
This was a pointless blog. I am sorry. You are allowed to not comment.
Human trafficking
Last night I went to see a viewing of a documentary about human trafficking. Apparently this is a huge trend in South East Asia (Leah says) and Western Europe. I am adding it to the list of research.
Jessica Meyer and I had a great idea! We are going to have a letter writing party. Without her knowledge I started planning it. I kind of hope she did too. Anyway, Spring quarter we are going to do it. A few computers, lots of paper, stamps, envelopes, addresses and issues! I have written it all out! All I need to do is talk to Jess, create posters and other informational mediums, find out people's names and status and address. Chris is going to help with that. So my house with the allowance of my house-mates and lots of snacks, it should be lots of fun!
So, if you have a social justice issue that hits close to your heart, let me know, and I will make sure we write someone about it. On the list right now...
1.) Genocide in Sudan
2.) Sweatshops
3.) Human trafficking
4.) Fair Trade stuff
5.) Meat industry stuff
I also hope that we will send out some encouraging letters too. It's nice to tell people they are doing a good job.
The Embarrassing Ones
This is what I am afraid of.
I am afraid of being late for class. I will have to be that girl who is half running half walking briskly. The one that looks really awkward with the bookbag throwing her off balance.
Being that person who is smiling for no reason. Not smiling in the way that it's nice to smile at people. Those times when you are thinking about something funny and in turn are smiling and looking like an ass.
These are not the only two things I am afraid of, but the two that I often replay in my head on the way to class.
I went to hear Howard Lyman speak last night. Apparently he is only famous in other countries and starting a big controversy along with Oprah didn't gain him any fame here. He is a vegan. He talks about his experiences with the meat industry and how it is not only harmful to the environment but human health as well. I might take that next step and become a vegan.
The best or worst part of the talk was when a mini episode (i have no idea what one word you should use to describe this) unfolded before mine and Leah's eyes. Leah and I were sitting in the last row on the right side (aisle seats). Across the row sat some other normal (or so we thought) people. During this event I noticed a woman standing behind and to the left of us. She seemed normal to me, maybe even a familiar Athens face. Well toward the end of the talk, she walked to the row across the aisle from us and began to sit down. The man she was trying to sit beside was not happy about this at all. He stood up quite abruptly and starting beating her with his scarf and then scurried out of the row. She smiled a little, not indicating to any of the audience what the hell was going on. She stood up quickly and exited the row. He never began to smile but then rushed back to his seat. He mouthed some words and she again stood silently in the back. I decided they were quarreling lovers. Then the women approached his right ear and whispered something. I know that this is not pretend now, because the man violently turns around and looks like he would love nothing more than hit this woman. He says quietly but forcefully "get away you psycho bitch." I laughed, in fact I had been laughing the whole time. I didn't know what else to do. I was afraid that there was going to be a fight and I would get hurt, but I still laughed. This is the end of the story, it's a cliff hanger, only I can never give you an ending. What the heck!
Don't Eat Jelly Beans Before Bed!
The title refers to something Chris said to me last night before bed. It's good advice, because well... confession: I don't brush my teeth at night. I know you are cringing because now you are doing the math, yes I only brush once a day, and in fact it's in the shower. Now the whole world (or just 3-4) people know my dirty little secret not just Chris and Colleen.
Other interesting fact: I love looking at snow from inside and through a window, but I hate walking in it. Why? Well because 1.) duh it's cold 2.) the snowflakes stab my eyes, yes actually piercing them sending tears down my face 3.) and because the flakes also flood my nostrils almost drowning me.
it's true.
Last thing. If you don't know (Lydia just found out) I am earning a certificate that says I will soon be able to teach people how to speak English (only in foreign countries). Well during this experience, I have been given the chance to observe a Spanish class. Big deal, you and I have sat through language classes before, but ahhh here's the kicker, I sat through this class with the training! Turns out my favorite teacher sucks according to text book. I have been warned to not mimic his strategy by H. Douglas Brown (author of text book).
So, what will I do with this training... probably just use the certificate to get into the Peace Corp. Don't laugh at me if in a year or so I am applying and don't get in. Hopefully I will then travel to South America and teach farmers how to get fair prices for their coffee beans through learning english. Or teach any other person who is being oppressed by the US to express themselves.
What's gross about you?
It's All Very Clear
-For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.
-Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.
-So I will come near to you for judgement. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive aliens of justice...
-The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
-How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? Defend the cause of the weak and the fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
The more you know, the sadder this is going to get. Don't be discouraged though, jump on this wagon and do what is right. Help the poor, help the needy, help those who have no voice. I am coming to judge you, what are you doing. I will protect those who you don't protect, I will make sure every child of God is taken care of. How long will you turn your back and refuse to change your ways.